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Third Grade

Welcome to 3rd grade at Lombardy!  In third grade we begin the year learning how to become responsible citizens of our classrooms and then quickly move into becoming ROCK HOUNDS as we travel to White Clay Creek Park to apply all that we learn about in our Rocks and Minerals unit. Facts, facts, facts!  We learn all about multiplication and work on memorizing our facts throughout the year.  As readers, we are building stamina while transitioning from oral readers to silent readers and still maintaining our comprehension of the text. Our writing curriculum  begins with persuasion and moves into informational writing, so as we do our quarterly book reports we incorporate the writing genre. Chrome Books are a new and exciting addition to third grade and we begin to use them for writing, research and much more. We become engineers in the winter and use the engineering process in STEM activities while learning about area and fractions.  In the Spring, we focus on our mapping skills with a trip to Longwood Gardens, study the properties of water in Science and end the year learning about fractions in Math.