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My name is Kelly Rhodunda and I am the general music and chorus director at Lombardy. I am in my 28th year of teaching elementary music and am just as excited to go work each day as I was in September 1991! My husband and daughter are both BSD Alumni and my son is currently enrolled at Concord High School. When I am not planning for music classes I can be found in my gardens, exercising or watching one of my children’s sporting events.

 Music classes at Lombardy engage children in music through active participation. A typical lesson finds the students warming-up their musical minds through rhyme, rhythm, song and tonal pattern practice. Warm-ups are followed by the “big idea” of the day. This year’s theme, “Music in the United States”, intertwines with the Delaware Arts Standards to formulate the “big ideas”. The students enjoy exploring the lives of famous musicians, performing, vocally and instrumentally, in various genres, and creating new musical ideas!

Chorus groups meet once a week for thirty minutes .The Lombardy “Cool Cat” Chorus presents a winter and spring concert. The Cool Cats also visit a neighboring Alzheimer’s care facility twice a year to share their program repertoire and participate in the annual Brandywine School District Chorus Festival.