Lombardy Elementary School
Fourth Grade
Welcome to Lombardy’s 4th Grade!
Students will grow as learners throughout the year as we explore new and exciting concepts.
In Reading and Writing, we cover many genres of text including historical fiction that aligns to our Social Studies curriculum. We also meet many famous people at our Living Museum, the culmination of our Biography project.
In Math we continue to develop our understanding of place value, the four operations, fractions and decimals, and geometry. We will build on prior knowledge and persevere and problem solve through challenging tasks.
Science is exciting as we learn about the structures of life through observations of plants, crayfish, and bess beetles. We will also discover how electrical circuits work and how land and water interact to shape the landscape around us.
Finally, in Social Studies we study New Sweden and visit the Kalmar Nykel, Native Americans, Explorers and westward movement leading to colonization and the Revolutionary War, and civics and economics. Our economics unit will conclude with our Market Day. This provides students with the opportunity to develop their own business, produce a product or service, and earn “money” to spend at Auction Day. The students will also donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity of their choice. So far, 4th graders have selected the B + Foundation and the Ronald McDonald House as their designated charities. They work extremely hard and they are proud to pay it forward to children in need.